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FFederal ProgramsMessageFederal Programs StaffAnnual PAC NEC Meeting - March 5, 2025, 10 amHandbooksSchool Improvement PlansAK LiteracyFederal Programs LinksReport Cards to the PublicFederal Programs Funding OverviewFederal Programs NewsANSEPCareer Technical Education (CTE)COVID ReliefCurrent Competitive GrantsEnglish Language Learner (ELL)Indian EducationMigrantTitle 1
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PULASARAQ (Yup’ik) Curriculum*Click to open the word you want to hear below, push play, and wait 5-7 seconds for the word pronunciation.
RSB MembersMessageGeorge Smith, Chairman Max Agayar, Vice ChairChristine Teganlakla, SecretarySheila Minock, TreasurerFred BeansEdgar HoelscherFred Lamont, Sr.Doug RedfoxCaroline UlakEsther Brown
YYup'ik Language and CultureCultural StandardsCulture WeekLYSD Yup'ik Spelling BeeLYSD Yugtun Pledge of AllegianceNative Youth OlympicsPULASARAQ CURRICULUMKYUK - Ciuliamta PaiciutaitPiciryaramta Elicungcallra